Why Not? Yes, Definitely it is Repairable!
Its a Myth! Automatic Transmission is repairable if done correctly by the right person at right time. Just to Make a clear picture in your mind below is the picture of the BMW 8HP 45 8-speed Automatic Transmission assembly

Imagine Taking Apart all these 100’s Of Parts to fix one small thing inside !! definitely not a thing for a small-hearted person!!
So basically it’s very hard for an ordinary mechanic to fix it
If your Automatic Transmission is having problems while shifting, losing gear hold or slippage of gear its time to talk to a professional
So if your transmission breaks down You have two options either buy a used one or repaired by a professional.
However, there’s also one issue while buying a used one is that they are pulled out from scrapped cars.
Likewise, you may never know what days the transmission has seen
Not only this but also most important of all NO WARRANTY !!!
The second option is getting your original transmission repaired professionally With 1 YEAR WARRANTY FOR UNLIMITED KILOMETERS from SEHMBI
All the latest car models are scanned by particular scanners for a rough guess of a possible fault in your transmission. Faulty solenoid, valve body, faulty pump, low on fluid, or mechatronic malfunction, etc.
However, in old models, identifying a cause with a scanner is not possible. As they require to checked by fluid pressure and behavior of the shifting as per the RPM.
Below is the picture of the scanner.

After scanning, if the code shows internal problems the transmission needs repair. and if it shows electrical error then there may not any need for a repair just replacing the electronics can get the job done
If you want to get an idea of how the cars are scanned you can check here
Fault codes related to electrical parts shown when the scanner tries to communicate with TCU (Transmission Control Unit)and if it doesn’t respond back.
Short in solenoids or TCU (Transmission Control Unit) which is not working correctly when a command sent shifting 2-3 gears. can also be one of the issues.
We trust this gives you a thought that Automatic Transmissions are repairable & why you won’t see such a large number of mechanics ready to fix your Automatic Transmission. Again, as the major part of any Automatic Transmission Repair is the labor for Removal & Replacement of the transmission itself.
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